Sunday, August 21, 2011


Because once we stand near the's ours. Stamped it no erasing. HOLLA to everyone who came out yesterday and rode down to William Head. Jen rode so hard, she ripped a tiny hole in her new kit. That's what happens when you're hardcore. :)
xo Robin

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Not that we weren't already riding, but now that the new kit is here, we get to look hot WHILE we ride. Check with Trek if you don't have your kit yet, or let Bill know if you need a different size. Then wear it everywhere you go...including to bed. Obviously. xo Robin

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011


112kms. UNEXPECTED!! It all started with Minda showing up at 6:50am with COFFEE BIKE (THUMBS UP!). Seems like a great idea...until it gets all over your frame instead of your mouth (THUMBS DOWN). After a quick bike wash at Trek, we THOUGHT we were going to Cowichan yesterday, but thanks to a FERRY FAIL at Brentwood Bay(THUMBS DOWN), we ended up heading for Sidney and hopping on the boat to SALTSPRING ISLAND (THUMBS UP!). Thanks to LINDA, we went through all the back roads where there was very little traffic and grabbed lunch in Ganges at the market (THUMBS UP!). Linda bought plums and we couldn't eat them all (THUMBS DOWN) but Minda brought a BACKPACK and carried them home(THUMBS UP!) On the way back on the ferry, we were happy (THUMBS UP) but tired (THUMBS DOWN), but luckily I was able to stay awake long enough to get photos of Phil and Victoria stretching (THUMBS AND BUMS UP). Now my legs are tired (THUMBS DOWN) but worth it for such a wonderful day.
Also, an extra special welcome back and congrats to PRO CITY SISTAS resident PRO SISTA, MICAL DYCK for being such a big deal and WINNING the Transrockies TR3 race last weekend in Fernie (THUMBS UP!). She is still beating me up the hills...and I just can't understand it. :) xo Robin

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet Singletrack in Fernie

I can't believe it's that time of year again already!! Transrockies!  Yippee.  I've opted for the TR3 this year instead of the full seven days of riding.....which I'm actually kinda sad about because the course in the Kananaskis uses all the best trails!!!  TR3 this year is all on the super duper awesome trails of Fernie!!!  Oh how I love Fernie riding:)

After a big mint chocolate chip ice cream with my old TR and BCBR partner and his wife last night, and a delicious organic supper with my folks, I was stoked and feeling good!!  Day 1 was a 32km (my gps says 34km) TT with 1 min gaps.  Based on UCI points Catherine Vipond started ahead of me and Jean Ann Berkenpas behind me....and Mel McQuaid somewhere in the mix behind her.  400m out of the gate I heard the train blowing it's whistle as is rolled through town and right over the course .... Uggh.  Thankfully they let me start again and reset my time,  but now Catherine had a 6 min gap on me...outta sight outta mind.

I had a great start, feeling strong climbing up the first hill,  yup starts are my forte.  Up over the first climb, crossing a chunck of road about 10 mins in I go to shift into a harder gear in the back ..... And nothing.  Ahhhhhh what the????  It's like the shifter is empty, pushing all the way through the lever but nothing is engaging. Big double BOOOOOOO.  Stopping quickly I can't find anything jamming the derailluer, so I give a little sob and a swear and come to terms quickly with the fact that I'm running a really expensive two speed for the next 30 km.  Thankfully the my big ring is only a 38 tooth (which is pretty small) so I'm able to use my big ring a lot.  

I'm stuck in the second easiest gear in the rear, so glad it's not one of the harder gears or that first climb would have double sucked.  Long uber steep grind of a climb, almost 500 m in about 2 km.....ouch.

As I crest the mountain I switch to big ring and I loved the super fast steep technical descent....didn't even need to pedal for most of it.

Through the feed zone, thanks poppa for riding out to give me a feed, the up into the second half of the course.  This half is a lot more rolling and fast, with some short hard steep climbs and fast open sections.  I was definitely hating my gearing on the flat to slightly downhill road section!!!  Haha it's probably the only time you'll ever hear me wish for a climb.  Spin spin spin tuck spin spin spin tuck.  I was looking over my shoulder the whole way running scared.

Looking at the profile, the majority of the run back into the finish was predominately downhill, and this spin spin spin thing was just wearing me out.  By tightening the cable on the barrel adjuster I was able to get my chain to stay in the fourth gear in the back.  Once I got it there I didn't want to risk changing gears again so I was really suffering on a couple of those final climbs haha.  Regardless of the gearing these trails are incredible!!!!  And way more fun this year when they aren't so soggy and so slippery that you end up tripoding everything like last years TR.

So spin spin spin tuck spin spin spin tuck, spinning in fear looking over my shoulder the whole final stretch into the finish!!!  Yippee I survived!!!!  And I actually did a lot better then I thought I would pulling off the first stage win :).

 Yah clean jersey for tomorrow!! And a new rear shifter.....upgraded from a 2 speed to a 20 speed....

Can't wait for supper I'm hungry!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Well well WELL. Remind me not to schedule a ride on the MALAHAT the first day back after 2 weeks of vacation...but whatever!! What an AWESOME day for a trip up the Hat and around Shawnigan Lake! Great day...great ride, great people, great fun.
SUCCESS! Pro City Sistas: 1; Malahat: 0. xo Robin

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fartleks are Fun! Thursday, July 28th

A beautiful sunny evening at UVic provided perfect conditions for a series of fartleks around Ring Road. The happy fartlekkers are, from left to right: Minda, David, Carolyn, Sarah, Marianne, John, Cindy and Linda.

Triple Point Hilly Waterfront Ride, Tuesday, Aug. 2

Garmin Connect - Details

Another great Sistas' ride! The two Davids, Gerry, me and a new rider, Leslie, left from the shop and rode the waterfront. We had a short detour at David's request to see the tall ship from Chile docked at Ogden Point. Nice tailwind after the breakwater and we arrived at Starbucks, Cadboro Bay, at the pre-arranged time of 6:25. There was quite a gang waiting there: Jenn, Victoria, Cindy, Trish, Carolyn, Sarah P., and Minda. We rode Ten Mile Point, up and over Wedgewood Point, Queenswood, Gordon Point, then at the corner of Ash Road and Torquay made some critical decisions - Minda was up for one more hill, so some of us rode up Ash. The rest of the gang headed back out to the peninsula. The temperature was perfect, there was no wind, and very little traffic. The company was, as always, sublime.